Data Saver is a crowdsourced application that allows users to share wifi networks that they have connected to with the rest of our users. The application uses your GPS coordinates to search our database for wifi networks in your area and it imports the networks to your device allowing it to connect to them automatically and for free.
Data Saver uses the local wifi around you (your phone thinks it has already connected to these networks and "remembers" them.) Data Saver will even connect to hidden and unnamed networks.
Very useful in big cities or apartment complexes.
Save money on your mobile data plan! You don't have to use your 3g/4g when there is open wifi in your area. Stop paying overages! If you have a limited mobile data plan then you are constantly looking for ways to save your data.
This project will grow upon usage. We will implement new features, such as but not limited to:
•Import your network list back to us(Help make the list stronger)
•Back up your wifi list (Privately/Securely)
•Searching by location for networks (zip code, GPS)
and other ideas to come.
*You will not be able to connect to ssids with a different password than we have saved, for example We have imported "Linksys" ( the most common wifi name/SSID) without a password, this will allow you to connect to any open networks named Linksys, however, if you see a Linksys network that has a password ( WEP, WPA, WPA2, etc) then it will not connect as it sees it as another network entirely.
Keywords: Datasaver, save data, import data, data saver
Download Data Saver Today!
Created by: Corey Faulkerson & Mike Sandt